As one of the Adirondacks' most iconic animals, black bears depend on various types of wilderness to maintain their role as large hungry omnivores. In order to find nourishment, bears must be constantly in tune with the seasonal and territorial...
Why Leaves Change Color
As you begin to see some of the trees showcase their beautiful fall colors, have you ever wondered why the leaves are changing into brilliant reds, fiery oranges, deep purples, and hues of yellow? The reason is due to a...
Rewilding the Adirondacks: the influence of wolves
The widespread persecution of wolves first began in the northeastern US as early as 1630, where men living in the Massachusetts Bay Colony could earn one month's salary for each wolf that they killed. Since then, wolves have remained largely...
Stop the Adirondack Park from Becoming a Junkyard!
Did you know that the Chicago-based Iowa Pacific Holdings plans to store defunct oil cars on railroad tracks between Saratoga Springs and Newcomb? These tracks run alongside the Upper Hudson, Boreas, and Opalescent Rivers, each of which is protected under...
Take Action to Protect Adirondack Wildlife
The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is planning to update the State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) which is a guiding document to manage wildlife and their habitats. The update also helps secure critical federal funding for species like the Common...