As most of you know, the Perseid meteor shower occurred over the weekend. The meteor shower peaked on Saturday night, but the conditions were cloudy and there wasn't much to look at.I figured there would be some stragglers the day...
Giant Mountain & Rocky Peak Ridge

Greetings! I finally got back out in the woods yesterday, and climbed my first (and second) high peak of the year. It's been a while since the last time I climbed one of the 46 peaks, and I'm feeling it...
Geocaching: A Real-World, Outdoor Treasure Hunt

Have you heard of geocaching? If you haven't, let me explain. Geocaching is a real-world treasure hunt, taking place in the great outdoors, in every corner of the Earth. A 'cache' can be a mailbox, an ammunition box, a zip-lock bag, or...
Black Mountain Hike – Trip Report

I hiked up Black Mountain for the first time last week, and had a great time. It was cold and windy, but with proper clothing and gear I was very comfortable. The trail head is located off of Pike Brook...
Sleeping Beauty In The Rain – Trip Report

Have you ever hiked in the rain? I wouldn't make a point of finding a rainy day to go hiking - but from now on, if I am planning a hike and it starts to rain, I'm going anyway! I...
Blue Mountain, Lake Durant, Chimney Mountain & Eagle Cave – Trip Report

What an awesome Columbus Day weekend I had up in the Adirondacks! I could not have asked for better weather for an overnight trip hiking two mountains, camping out, and exploring a cave.I am taking a Hiking & Orienteering course...
The Leaves They Are A Changin’ – Hadley Mountain Hike

Autumn is my favorite time of year for several reasons. The beautiful weather, some of my favorite holidays and sporting events, apple picking, and most of all, the changes that come across my favorite hangout, the Adirondack wilderness. I love...
Fishbrook Pond – Trip Report

I had a great weekend sitting on the shore of a little pond nestled between Sleeping Beauty and Black Mountain. I hiked into Fishbrook Pond on Saturday evening and stayed until just before noon on Sunday. Had I known that...
Our Washed Out Backyards

Every day I see more images of massive flooding, washed out roads, collapsed bridges and the destruction that Tropical Storm Irene has brought upon the area. I know that the Catskills and Vermont got hit very bad, but it kills...
Wright, Algonquin, Iroquois & Colden – Trip Report

Wow - what a trip! My girlfriend Liz, my friend Mike, and I took to the woods with a nice backpacking trip through parts of the Eastern High Peaks Wilderness area earlier this week. Before I get into the report,...