The recent snowfall on the landscape brought my attention to the adaptation skills of small mammals. For many small mammals, such as mice, voles, moles and shrews, the presence of sufficient snow cover is critical to their survival....
The future of Lynx rufus
The bobcat, Lynx rufus, is the most abundant spotted cat in North America. This nocturnal hunter has been the topic of concern when discussing and debating the Management Plan for Bobcats in New York State. The Department of Conservation (DEC)...
N(ice) temperatures bring seasonal festivities
Dihydrogen monoxide, better known as water, turns into ice at 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the ice has begun to freeze, design and construction of an Ice Castle in Saranac Lake begins to form. The ice is...
What is Adirondack Conservation?
Growing up in and around the Adirondacks, we have come to appreciate the unique natural features of the landscape that define and distinguish this extraordinary region from any other. From this appreciation has come curiosity, education, and resolve to understand...
An approved project for Tupper Lake
The Town of Tupper Lake, in Franklin County New York, has a logging and manufacturing history that once thrived as a bustling town booming with business. Visitors from afar walked the busy streets of this Town in search of hunting...