I hope all of you are enjoying this beautiful weekend. The combination of blue skies and warm weather entices all to play outside and ignore the 101 other things that may be beckoning us inside. Unlike many who were biking, hiking or weeding their gardens today. I decided to procrastinate.
I filled a glass with freshly squeezed lemonade, sat down in my favorite chair on a well chosen, perfect spot and attempted to re-read one of my favorite Jane Austen novels. I was about to start the second chapter when a powdery blue Spring Azure bounced across my peripheral. This little butterfly was hard to ignore. So, I immediately put down my book and took chase through the woods. My inner 5 year old was eager to suppress any nonsense of sitting still.
I chased this butterfly for a good ten minutes till it landed on a large patch of Azure Bluets (Houstonia Caerulea). This little blue flower is a mere ¼- ½ inch tall and is pale blue with a yellow eye. This plant species is part of the Rubiaceae family or commonly called Madder family.
As a result, I learned a very valuable lesson today. Never attempt to just read on a beautiful warm spring day. Especially, when one can do so much more including discovery and play.