The American Dagger Moth is the largest dagger moth found in the Eastern United States and is easily recognizable by its large size with a wingspan between 2 to 2.5 inches. It is gray to gray-brown with darker markings and a sharp, double postmedian line with white in between the two lines. The males have a faint, darker gray median line in their hind wing compared to the females that have solid black hind wing.
This species can be seen from April to September with one brood occurring in the North. The caterpillar can be seen from July to October. I had the fortunate opportunity to view a young caterpillar in my backyard earlier today. It was covered densely with yellow setae with thin, black setae on the first and third abdominal segments and one tuft of black setae on the eight abdominal segment.
It was about 2 inches long and stood out with its bright yellow coloring among the green lush deciduous trees. At first I had no idea what it was and had to do some investigating through my numerous bug, insect and caterpillar books that fill my bookshelves.
Therefore, today was a good day to learn of a new species in my neck of the woods and it being of a native species in North America makes it all more memorable.