Peak Foliage Adirondacks 2024: Map, Predictions & the Latest Report
Get your camera or smartphone ready for peak foliage in the Adirondacks for 2024 - some of the best in the country! Keep reading to find out when peak foliage typically happens by region, a link to the latest 2024 foliage report, and a rundown on what elements can affect the color change.

Adirondack Peak Foliage Map
The deciduous tree population is dominated by only a few species, which all change color more or less in unison. This provides all-over color at one peak time, which is rare in other parts of the world.
The following map depicts the typical schedule for peak Adirondack foliage viewing by region. There will be slight variations from year to year.

For the latest on what's going on with the colors for 2024, click through the link below.
View the current fall foliage report from I Love NY >>

What Factors Influence the Color Change?
Adirondack fall foliage can be difficult to predict with 100% accuracy, because the region encompasses 6 million acres, and there are so many factors that can affect the colors:
- Consistent rainfall in spring and summer ensures healthy leaves and bright colors
- Warm days and cool nights result in brighter colors
- Increased sunlight can intensify reds and purples
- Early frosts can abruptly end the color change process
- Overcast days can reduce vibrancy in colors

Plus, proximity to bodies of water can affect leaf colors. Lakes and rivers tend to regulate temperatures and delay the onset of frost, and trees near water typically have higher soil moisture, for healthier trees - and vibrant leaves.
Of course, the type of trees affects what kind of colors you see, as the hues will vary from species to species.
See fall hiking and biking hotspots >>