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Species of Game in the Adirondacks

With so many species of animals available to hunt in the Adirondacks, there is almost always an open season! Hunters must have proper permits, and be within their season to take game in New York State.

White-tailed deer are among the most sought after species of game in the Adirondack Mountains. You also have the opportunity to take black bear, small game, waterfowl, migratory birds and furbearers.

White-tailed Deer

white-tailed deer

White-tailed deer are the most popular target for hunters in the Adirondacks, and can be taken during regular and archery seasons, as well as muzzleloader season.

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Black Bear

black bear

Black bear are present in the Adirondacks, and can also be taken during regular and archery seasons, as well as early and muzzleloader seasons.

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Wild Turkey


Wild turkeys can be taken during both fall and spring seasons in the Adirondacks, as well as during a youth turkey hunt each spring.

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Ducks, mergansers, geese and brant can be taken during waterfowl seasons and during the youth waterfowl hunt. Specific bag limits apply.

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Migratory Game Birds


Woodcock, crow, rail, snipe and gallinule can be taken in the Adirondacks during their regular seasons. A federal migratory bid hunting stamp is not required.

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Small Game


Upland birds (grouse, pheasants), small mammals (squirrels, rabbits, hare), as well as certain frogs and turtles can be taken during their respective seasons.

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Furbearers including bobcat, coyote, fox, raccoon, opossum and weasel can be taken during their respective seasons. Trapping these animals requires a separate trapping license.

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Hunting Seasons in the Adirondacks »

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