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An Ice Fishing First For The New York Post

Whiteface Mountain in the AdirondacksHave you ever been ice fishing? No? Neither had Jennifer Ceaser at the New York Post - but she went to Connery Pond this January and had an exhilarating time.

With her fears allayed of falling through the ice - she 'imagin[ed] all sorts of dramatic drowning scenarios and wish[ed she] hadn't put on that extra five pounds over the holidays' - Jennifer and Sonny made their way along the frozen pond.

Jennifer was still concerned - what should she do if she fell in? Sonny, a guide with the Adirondack Foothills Guide Service, easily told her to 'make like a spread eagle' to grab the edges and haul yourself out.

She wasn't so easily comforted though, as Jennifer noted that she barely had the will to pull herself out of the warm pool at her hotel - the luxurious Mirror Lake Inn.

After getting out onto the ice, the pair sat down to actually go ice fishing - described as an 'exhausting' process. Though they only caught one fish - a decently large brown trout - it was an Adirondack adventure to remember for this New York Post editor.

Did we miss one? Did one of these places close? Send us a note!